Our Sweet Tea Fruit Bouquet is the perfect addition to your tea party or Mother’s Day celebration! This delightful and refreshing arrangement of fresh fruits is inspired by the classic English tradition and is sure to bring a touch of elegance and sophistication to your gathering.
The Sweet Tea Fruit Bouquet features an assortment of fresh fruits, including juicy strawberries, chocolate-covered strawberries, heart-shaped pineapple pieces, melon & grapes. Each piece of fruit is carefully arranged on a skewer, creating a visually stunning and delicious display.
The chocolate-covered strawberries standout in this bouquet, with their sweet and tangy flavour and the added crunch of toffee pieces! The cinnamon sugar adds a touch of sophistication, while the chocolate drizzle ties everything together.
This fruit bouquet is perfect for a Mother’s Day tea party, a relaxing afternoon tea time with friends and family, or as a gift for the tea-lover! The vibrant colours and delicious flavours of the fruits will complement your tea selection and create a memorable experience.
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